Greetings Athletes,
We would like to encourage you all to remain precautious and adhere to your local government, WHO and CDC guidelines in regards to the COVID-19. With many restrictions placed on travel and movement it can become rather difficult to train and compete during this time, but do not be discouraged. With the understanding that Tokyo Olympics has been officially postponed alongside cancelations and postponements on various competitions, testing will still we conducted for the remainder of the year.
Please be reminded that testing has not been suspended and failure to provide accurate whereabouts information may result in a Whereabouts Failure or Missed Test. Moreover, if consecutive, may result in a ADRV (Anti-Doping Rule Violation) or a period of ineligibility for competition. Whereabouts updates are the responsibility of the athlete, failure to do so will restrict your eligibility.
Whereabouts updates are currently past due for Quarter 2 - Decline Extended to April 1st, 2020.
Athletes traveling must update their whereabouts accurately to avoid Missed Test or Whereabouts Failures.
Updates to your whereabouts must be submitted through ADAMS. If you require assistance with your ADAMS account, please send an email to and we would be happy to assist you.
Athletes that are not registered to ADAMS can send an email to or contact the commission via telephone below. You can use our website for more information visit
For any questions or concerns please feel free to contact us.
Please share with other athletes, coaches and administrators.