There will be advised that in accordance with a resolution passed at the Special General Meeting (Voting) on Tuesday, February 21, 2017, and the Resolution of the Council of the Bahamas Swimming Federation passed on March 12, 2017, a Special General Meeting is being held on Tuesday, April 11, 2017, between 6:00pm and 8:00pm in the Conference Room (adjacent to the female bathrooms), at the Betty Kelly Kenning Aquatic Center.
The purpose of the meeting is to vote on the proposed Constitutional Changes submitted by the Constitutional Review Committee and the proposed Rule Changes submitted by members of the BSF. This is the only Agenda item for this meeting and members are encouraged to read and review the proposed changes in order that they may cast their votes at this Special Meeting.
We remain at your disposal to provide specific feedback on any item included herein that may require any further clarification.
Attached at the proposed Constitutional Changes and Rule Changes for your review.
The Bahamas Swimming Federation thanks that Special Constitutional Review Commission, comprising, Ian Fernander, Nancy Knowles, Carol Misewicz, Neville Wilchcombe, and Lynne Fraino. Tonya Bastian-Galanis and Zarina Fitzgerald have agreed to serve on this committee going forward. Constitution Rule Changes Proposed Constitutional Changes