Notice to BSF Members
Pursuant to Section C.11.2 of The Bahamas Swimming Federation Constitution, the Federation has received a request from Mrs. Nancy Knowles, on behalf of more than 30% of the Current Members of the Federation, to hold a Special General Meeting with the sole item on the Agenda to vote on the Constitutional and Rules changes that were circulated prior to the Annual General Meeting on January 7, 2017. A copy of these proposed changes are attached to this notice.
The Executives of the Federation reviewed the request, confirm that it fits within the requirements to call a Special General Meeting, and have agreed to hold this meeting on Tuesday, February 21, at 6pm, at the Ministry of Youth, Sports and Culture, Conference Room.
Constitutional Reference
C11.2 Special General Meeting
A Special General Meeting of the BSF may be called provided at least three (3) Club Members or, alternatively, thirty (30%) percent or ten (10) of the Individual Members (whichever shall be the greater number of Individual Members) shall give notice in writing to the BSF Secretary that they desire the convening of such a Special General Meeting, stating their reasons for convening the same. The BSF Secretary or BSF Assistant Secretary shall cause such a Special General Meeting to be held within six (6) weeks of receiving such said notice, giving four (4) weeks prior notice of such a meeting to each Member.
The notice convening such a meeting shall state the reason for calling it, and no other subject can be dealt with at such Special General Meeting.